詹谢普尔连同Adityapur毗邻工业区,是恰尔肯德邦的国家的工业中心。詹谢普尔Adityapur一起构成的工业神经中心恰尔肯德邦,和通常被称为恰尔肯德邦的工业和商业中心。由于生成的经济塔塔由塔塔钢铁公司和塔塔汽车(Tata Motors),今天詹谢普尔拥抱广泛大型和小型规模的行业和一个繁荣的支持服务部门。
工业和商业资本jaharkhand: -经济由塔塔由塔塔钢铁公司和塔塔汽车(Tata Motors),今天詹谢普尔拥抱广泛大型和小型规模的行业和一个繁荣的支持服务部门。The city has a well defined boundary and is bound by the Suvarnarekha river on the north, the Kharkai river on the west, the Bengal-Nagpur Railway on the south, and the Tata Steel works and other companies on the east. The standard of living in a city that is almost isolated from the mess in the rest of the country is quite good.